What is the maximum amount of solar electricity I can generate for my home?

Of course! Your home’s solar electricity generation capacity depends on factors like the size and efficiency of your solar panel system, as well as local sunlight conditions. Unlike a fixed limit on total kWh production, the amount of excess electricity you can feed back into the grid at once is often restricted by utility regulations. …

Under net-metering, will I be credited for power at the same rate the utility charges me for it?

This all depends on the utility. All utilities have different billing structures. In most cases there is a small difference. One example is that they will charge you HST but will not credit it back if you do not have an HST number which most home owners do not have. For the portion of the …

Are there any tax breaks or subsidies for solar in Ontario?

Sadly there are virtually no incentives or subsidies for solar in Ontario. This is at a time where every other form of energy is being subsidized by 25% by the Ontario Fair Hydro Act. For businesses there is the opportunity for accelerated depreciation but that is it.

How do you find dealing with the Local Electrical Distrbution Company (LDC)?

Every power distribution company is different. The people at Halton Hills Hydro as well as Milton Hydro have been wonderfully supportive and we love working with them. Hydro One has also been very helpful to our efforts. At this time, most hydro companies in Ontario have had enough experience that the process is a smooth …