Solar Re-roofing Services

Is it time to reroof and your roofer wants your solar panels removed first?

Our technicians can professionally remove your solar panels, racking, mounts and associated hardware so your roof can be re-shingled.

We inspect all of your hardware as it comes off the roof for damage or wear. We can repair or replace any damaged hardware if we find any issues.  We can also suggest any changes or upgrades that might make sense for you.

After your roof is complete we will re-install all the hardware, test  and re-commission your system.

Give us a call and we can provide you with a free quotation on your project.

Re-installing after shingles have been redone.
Solar panels do a great job of protecting your roof form the sun but the area around your panels still age at the normal rate.
Removing the panels from a solar array prior to re-roofing